In any society, the well-being and progress of its people depend on the collective effort and cooperation of its members. To ensure a thriving and inclusive community, it is essential for individuals to come together and contribute towards serving the greater good. This call to action is embodied in the phrase,

“We need your help to serve the people.”

Our Success Stories

Who we are ?

Welcome to Hakumatpuri

Hakumatpuri Helping Organization is a nonprofit social enterprise that helps those people who are not able to afford the bare necessities in life.
With dedicated selfless volunteers on board, we have come a long way in connecting the life of needy people on time.

The paghiram offers fair and transparent terms, ensuring your satisfaction.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

“Every child deserves a chance to learn and thrive. Together, we can make a difference in their lives and create a brighter future for all.”

We try to Help

The French Revolution constituted for the conscience of the dominant aristocratic class a fall from innocence, and upturning of the natural chain of events that resounded.